Friday, November 30, 2007

Walking on glass

and ready to leave her employers. That's how Carmen feels at work right now. I drove her to work this morning again since I have nothing better to do at 4AM! We talked about her vacation week and how fast it went. During this time, she seeked out a lawyer at Glide Memorial church in San Francisco to aid her in getting her car back. She seemed very positive that the outcome of the meeting was what she was looking for. Hopefully, she will hear back from them next week Monday. In the meantime, she still has to take public transportation to and from work and gets relief from her friends with vehicles. She is still uneasy about her work and how a failed audit might be her downfall. Carmen has back up plans just in case she is laid off or worse, fired. Her 401k might be able to help her out for a short time and she's keeping her avenues open for an offer. The ride coming back home is always long, it's about a 40 minute drive back to my house and I use my cruise control on the return leg.
I finally got done with my 401k paperwork and mailed it out. We'll see what kind of relief they'll be able to give me. This weekend will be my final task of getting my information out to Sarah, my loan gal to see if refinancing will be possible for me in the wake of the "Californacation" crisis in the sub prime loan areas. Lynn called instead of texting, she misses talking to me and because of her reductions of minutes, she has to watch it or else her cell phone bill will match that of her paycheck. Lying on her bed at home is where she is. It's been a long week for her after dealing with a co-teacher who seems utterly useless in her classroom, noisy kids and choral rehearsal. I get tired just talking to her about her day. Next weekend starts her winter concert season with a well known women's chorus on the Peninsula. I'll be going to a holiday party where the theme will be a white elephant gift. My friend Marilee will be flying in from Atlanta that weekend too so it will be hellishly busy. Sometime next week, I will be driving up to Sacramento to see my other daughter Pua who is at the Crest wood center for the mentally challenged. She was diagnosed at 16 with schizophrenia and depression and is now on medication and is currently her best advocate. Her case worker is an idiot male who seems to have no time for her and it oblivious to her needs as a young person. She is a wonderful poet and her pencil art is beautiful. Her writings are morbid thoughts about her voices, people that have done her wrong and death. For one so young, she welcomes death and I imagine that it's not too far behind her.

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