Monday, November 26, 2007

Hella addictive

blogs are! I can't believe that I'm still up at this hour posting widgets!! For gosh sakes! One link led to another and so on and so on. I keep finding these really kewl sites with wonderful gadgets to add to my blog, it's unfair I tell you.
Falling asleep at 8:05am is not good after being up all night playing on my laptop searching for widgets to spice up my blog. Geez, and then to get up again at 9:30am to take my daughter to work. What is my world coming too? After coming home, I give Lynn a call on her cell and she doesn't pick up probably because she's at work. She said she won't be answering her phone or calling out because she went over on her minutes and needs to conserve them, at least until the end of the month. It won't be an easy task for her because she loves to talk on the phone. I have a little breakfast, watch T.V and fall asleep on my recliner for a few hours. I wake up to the blaring rap music noise of my neighbors across the street at 1:45pm. I don't have anything else to do today but call the dentist and make an appointment for a checkup which will be December 11th. I call Carmen to see how the cast party went last night and she said it was awesome. The woman who hosted the party lived somewhere in San Francisco with a grand view of the Golden Gate Bridge. They pot lucked and had a great time, I missed out on a good party. As much as I would have liked to have join them, I needed to rest and to be home. I'm glad Carmen and Mama had a good time. I was supposed to take mama to the doctor's but she said that her ankle was OK and wanted to clear out the computers in her apartment. Carmen said that she was still in her room, in her pajamas and didn't look like she was going to do anything today. I told her to call me if they needed to do anything. They still don't have a car and hopefully Carmen will see that lawyer this Wednesday and the issue with her car dealership to get that resolved.
I sent a text message to Lynn courtesy of . Made some tea and watched my favorite gal, Judge Judy.
Making dinner for my son is pretty easy. He eats anything that I make and he's a very good cook himself. At least I know that he can be self sufficient. It's breakfast for dinner tonight. Eggs, hot links and rice. Yummy.

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