Friday, November 9, 2007

Mz Chauffer for the day

I just came back from taking Carmen to work in San Jose this morning which is a 40 minute commute each way but going 90 mile per hour will get you there in 30 minutes which is what I did. She starts at 5am! Totally insane and I have told Carmen to get up earlier so I wouldn't have to rush like that and possibly get a ticket which would be a moving violation and hike up my insurance! On the return I drove 70 on the Highway marked for 65mph, reasonable. I also had to take her son, Maurice to school at 8:30am which he got a few hours to rest before I woke him up for breakfast, brush his teeth, wash his face and get his school stuff ready. Well, it wasn't happening at 7am. He didn't move or get up for no one, not even his auntie. So I had to bribe him to get up with the Nintendo Wii. Yup, that boy got up like a bolt of lightning and got ready so quick after doing all of the above that he had forty five minutes to spare for his Wii. Before dropping him off at school, he gave a quick call to his mom letting her know he's early to school and that he loved her. No mention of the Wii unless Carmen happens upon this blog. It's our secret.
I dropped my 24 year old daughter off at work. She sells the Kirby vacuum and is going away this weekend with her co-workers in a big company van to sell those things down in the Los Angeles area. She gave Lynn and I a demonstration a few days ago and it was a bear to put together, poor thing spent close to an hour just figuring out how to put it together. She finally got it hooked up and vacuumed around a bit. It didn't feel like it was a very powerful vacuum, i would rather go with a shop vac but I wouldn't tell her that. She's a hard worker and will do what she wants to do and will see this job through but only for awhile. So, she's dropped off and I'm heading home to take a nap until tonight for my final gig with Lynn. That's when we go to San Francisco for the dress rehearsal and dinner.
Dress rehearsal and came and went. Lynn and I didn't really need to be there. The rehearsal? Can you say Confused, Chaotic, and comical? That's how it was. I think I dozed off a few times only to catch Vanessa, one of the line woman, looking my way long enough to catch me dozing! Lynn finally got in two songs amid all the chatter about the placements and arrangements of the brides. A lot of work goes into getting married. It was over withing an hour and a half and off to the restaurant we go. The Italian restaurant where the dinner reception was held was like a step above a loud and noisy Chevy's but with great Italian food. The wedding party had pre-ordered everything from the appetizer calamari, to the shrimp pasta or chicken marinated in Marsala with mash potato and of course our "buttery" wine. I have to admit the brides looked beautiful. Seeing them through dinner and noting their immense generosity towards their families, i wish them all the happiness. It will be a beautiful wedding tomorrow.

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