Sunday, November 25, 2007

Come and gone

yes, Sunday has. I woke up 8:30am took my medication and made some malt-o-meal for breakfast along with some toast and a cup of tea and read the Sunday paper. I don't look at the ads anymore because I can't afford anything in there, so I read the paper which is even more depressing with all of the media focused on politics, the senseless war in Iraq and the ever popular global warming. I'm mulling over the idea that I have to pick up the Evan's in a few hours to see the final production of "Stardust and empty wagons" so I call them to see what time they will be ready for pickup. Carmen doesn't answer her phone so I call mama Diane and she picks up. They are getting ready to leave the house and take BART to Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco. Carmen comes on the phone and says that she'll meet me there at the Theatre. I agree and go back to eating my breakfast and reading the paper. I called Lynn's cell phone and it's off. She's probably on her way to church too and left a message. Turned on the T.V and nothing was going on there and went back to bed. This was about 12:45pm and I woke up at 2:20pm! The play starts at 3:00pm!! Geez, I take a quick shower, jump into my clothes and take off for the Brava. Just as I leave the house, Carmen calls me to see where I'm at. I tell her that I'm on my way and she says that they missed the bus at 24th and Mission and to please pick them up. So I get there and pick them all up. It seems like they've been fussing at each other all day, Carmen and her mother. We made the play just in time and it was a packed house. The play was very emotional (it always is) and you could hear the audience weeping. The cast was exceptional this being their last day. Intermission came and I caught up on missed phone calls from Lynn and "D". I left a message with Lynn on her home phone and "D" was getting ready to pick up Stephanie for drinks in Burlingame. After the play ended, the audience was very generous with their applause. Actual Katrina survivors got up on stage and there was another round of applause for one special woman, Lavinia Strong Lundy, who is 105 and still walking strong and being a survivor of Katrina. She looked incredibly wonderful for 105 years young! Carmen asked if I was doing anything after the play because she wanted to attend the cast party with her family. I politely excused myself from that and felt that I needed to be at home for some "alone" time. They would get a ride home from Amber, one of the woman in the play. Not wanting to cook dinner and knowing my son at home was hungry, I picked some "Micky D's" and brought home dinner. Chuck was very happy and hauled off his dinner to his room. I enjoyed mine in front of the T.V. watching the MTV show Tila Tequila. It's too bad for Brandy, I thought she would have been in the top 2. It will be an interesting show when she meets their parents. Won't want to miss that!
Lynn and I chatted our usual g'nite chat for awhile. We talked about how we have piles of "crap" (clothes, mail, stuff) around our homes and how it piles up and we just don't seem to have time to take care of it. Life gets in the way and the piles get bigger until you just put everything on hold and take the time to whittle the "crap" pile down. It's a never ending process. Once we do live together, we promised that there wouldn't be as much "crap" as there is now. Hopefully we would have both downsized our homes and "crap" significantly before doing so. She is giving herself two years time before divorcing her husband and finally moving out on her own. I'm sure hubby is ready to leave now since he is dating beyond the rings of his marriage mainly because he's not getting his needs met at home in other He forgets many times that he has a family at home and a dutiful wife that he neglects often and that was even before I arrived into the picture. Lynn said if he were more attentive, she may not have seeked elsewhere to fill the emptiness she was missing. But hubby being a guy and Lynn following her urges, here they are, in a house separated on opposite ends living under the same roof all for the sake of their children. Luckily, they're living amicably. On the other hand, after my husband found out about Lynn and I, we were constantly at war with each other to the point of verbal attacks when he would come home from work or just about any small argument would set us both off. Staying together for the sake of the kids was not an option. It was not a good environment for the kids and I had to do something. My father's probate had finally come through, I told him to get out, proceedings began and divorce was imminent. I moved with my kids to another home and he moved in with his off and on g/f. It was the best decision that I could make and the kids and I are very happy. No more volatile arguments or tension when he comes home because he is no longer in the home...our home. So this is where Lynn and I are at, 8 years later and definitely not in a hurry to move in with each other as most couples tend to do in their early years of courtship. We talk about how things in life will affect us and what will we do, we plan, we organize and we savor the day when that does happen, when we actually will be living in one house, under one roof as a couple.

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