Tuesday, November 27, 2007


that's what I am. From the dictionary: "to put off till another day or time; defer; delay". That's what I did today. I put off doing anything with having to get the paperwork together for my application refinancing my home loan AND gathering paperwork for my employee help department. It's my own damn fault for being lazy. I did cook dinner, that was productive. I sifted through the mail, productive and I finally cleaned up the piles of "crap" in my bedroom, very productive. In fact, I just consolidated and made a bigger pile of crap and hopefully, I'll finish that one up tonight. I don't know what I'm going to do when I finally do go back to work which I'm due back on Dec. 15th and I really need to tell my doctor to write me in for Jan 2008 instead. I'm not feeling December at all! Dinner tonight is another Hawaiian dish, Chicken Luau. It's made of a few simple ingredients and very easy to make. That should last a few days in my household. I've got my crock pot out and have been using it steadily for simmering meat and soups.
I texted Lynn earlier. It feels funny not talking to her several times a day and she has to conserve on her minutes because of her cell phone bill last month. I don't blame her, I'm on Sprint and she has Cingular so we don't have the mobile to mobile thing. I don't think we are going to do the hot tubs tomorrow. I'm going to lunch with my friend "D" in Foster City. "D" is a beautiful African American gay man. He just turned 45 and has not found "Mr Right" yet, but he has a lot of "Mr Right Now's" that would like to take him home for an overnight. He does not look over 40 and has many young men in their 20's pining after him. I enjoy his stories of getting picked up at a local shopping mall or at his gym. He's very picky and looking for a long term commitment. As with most gay men in their 20's and 30's, your as good as the next man that walks through the door. The men in their 35 and 40's start losing that thought but then they go through the whole mid life crisis thing and then revert to trying to be in their 20's again and that's another drama dynamics. Once in a while, he does some chasing. Rarely, does he ever bring them home. He is a good man and I hope that he finds a good man just like him.
My daughter just got home awhile ago from her job. That's another story.

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