Friday, November 16, 2007


Even tho I'm not working right now, i am thankful. I'll be busy this afternoon with going to pick up some duraflame logs that someone offered for free on Craigslist. They are the 4 hour ones and he has 9 of them that i will pick up, besides, I'll be passing by Ocean beach and that alone is worth the ride. Later on this evening, I'll be going with "mama Diane" to drop her and Maurice off at their counseling session and we will all be going to see the play I saw last week, "Stardust and empty Wagons" at the Brava theatre. Neither of them have seen it yet and "mama" is pretty excited about that. I stopped by the Goodwill store in the Haight District to see if I could find a "white elephant" gift for a party that I'll be going to in December. As friends, this particular group tries to get together and go on outings for drinks and dinner to catch up on our lives. The last one of "groupies" has turned 45 which is the magic number for our trips. Unfortunately, with some of us going back to school, time restraints and loss of loved ones, we did not find the time to take our trip that we have taken every 5 years. We made plans to go to New York, cruise to the Bahamas, fly to Greece and cruise around the island but none of that ever materialized. So we will settle for a holiday party. I didn't find a gift but I found a few nice cheap Cd's. I picked up Mama and Maurice and started for the theatre. Traffic was heavier than usual probably because of the football game in town and the start of the holiday traffic season. We found a good parking space in the Mission, had good dinner at a Salvadorean restaurant and got our theatre tickets. Our seats were very good and you could see well from our position. The Hot 8 band from New Orleans were playing and they were awesome as ever. Mama enjoys a good band with her hand waving in the air as she stood up to applaud them for making the journey to San Francisco. The theatre was very full and there was a great repoire with the audience and the cast. We didn't get out from the play until 11:00pm and I still had to drive Mama and Maurice home to Burlingame and get myself home in time to get a few hours of sleep before taking Carmen to work at 4:00am.

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