Monday, December 31, 2007

Learning to give

A few hours away from 2008, our New Year, my memories slip away to remembering what I have accomplished this past year. It does not seem grand by all means but more of a compassion that comes from deep within my heart. Without realizing it, I have been very generous and considerate to my friends and family due in part to my parents who have always been that way with my siblings and I. Their bounteous and unending source of goodwill and love have spilled over into my life making me the benefactor of their spirit. Definitely not in any monetary way but more so in lending a helping hand where I was needed. Because of my unselfish nature, Lynn will sometimes tell me, "You can say no". With my thought waves electrically connected to my heart while tugging the strings hidden beneath my face emitted a quizzical look, Can I say no? If it is within the realm of possible, I will kindly do what I can to help complete the task at hand. Often, I have received unexpected and sometimes overwhelming surprises and gifts from my co-workers, friends and family. I am very thankful to the point of absolute tears and it is at those unexpected times where I truly think that this my purpose on this earth. To give of myself so completely, without thinking, to their aid. If the world were this way, we would all be a much better earth, planet, society and human race.

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