Saturday, December 15, 2007

Overcharges at Downey Savings

If you think that you're right on not paying an overcharge, fight back with documented information and names! A small over site on the part of my mortgage company between their impound department and the loan department almost cost me $265.64 in under payment and late fees. Oliver was my teller of the day and the first in "front line" personal. He was very patient in my resolving an overage as he was the liaison between the person on the phone and myself, a little ticked off but I had my documentation and confirmation numbers. I had initially gone to the bank to put down the payment from my company towards my mortgage payment for the next two months. Oliver tells me that I owe, $104.32 for an under payment and $161.32 for late fees in processing my November mortgage payment! I told Oliver that I had already had a phone conversation with Pearl in the loan department last week and paid the $104.32 over the phone. The late payment of $161.32 should not have even been charged because my November payment was received by it's due date and Pearl was waiving the processing fee of $57.00 over the phone. Oliver tried to tell me that the $104.32 was not collected and that both would have to be paid before he could except my mortgage payment. I thought, this is getting ridiculous. I brought out my checkbook and showed him who I talked to, the phone contact, confirmation number and the amount of $104.32 and the date that it was paid. He called someone in the loan department and spoke with a woman, who sounded like a jerk (yes, women can be jerks too!) and she thought that she was going to make this "ol gal" pay. Oliver handed the phone over to me and I said, "hello". She replied, "Hello, how can I help you?" in a frigid, uncool tone. I told her the situation with Pearl and the impound department and gave her the necessary information. By this time it had been thirty minutes of waiting. I'm glad I didn't have any doctor appointments scheduled. Oliver told me that it would take a while and to have some coffee. That's just what I did. After another fifteen minutes of waiting for my verdict, the woman (I did not get her name) came back on the phone with Oliver and apparently told him that I didn't not have to pay any of the mentioned monies and to accept my mortgage payment. I felt like a hunted baby seal after having a huge great white with it's mouth open about to eat me alive, only to have it repel and swim away until another day.

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