Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mystery Shopping

is a side occupation that I engage in, enjoy and get paid for my detailed reports based on my customer service interactions. A friend of mine, from the airport, suggested the idea and that I would be an excellent candidate. There are no fees of any type involved nor were there any drawn out questionnaires or applications. The only requirement that most of these companies ask is that you have a Paypal account to deposit your payment from services rendered. I started off small with one company and my "mystery shop" involved coffee shops. After completing a few of the shops, writing reviews and getting paid, I was hooked. I was referred to other companies that offered shops from oil changes, restaurants, gas stations, entertainment centers, convenience stores, sports venues, bars, movie houses, hotels, car rentals and flower deliveries. I figured that most of these domains were centered around my life and what I do on a daily basis, why not mystery shop! Friends and family were frequently taken out to lunches and dinners, children went bowling and miniature golf centers. I planned a route to each venue to make sure that I would maximize my day. At night, I would write my reports and fax or email my receipts to the companies and wait a few weeks to be reimbursed on top of my payments and sometimes bonuses into my Paypal account. Since I was basically an independent contractor with these companies, I could literally write off many of my expenses if I were set up as a small business. The companies do not take out any taxes from your payments and you do have to file these as part of your taxes even tho a W-2 is not issued unless you make more than $660.00 for that company. It is a nice source of second income and you can make your own hours.

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